If you meet the Fanatics Criteria send us all of the information below
You must meet the Half Fanatic Criteria before applying for the Half Fanatics.
Minimum requirement is NEPTUNE LEVEL - 2 Half Marathons within a 16 day time frame or 3 Half Marathons within a 90 day time frame. Full Marathons don't count towards Fanatic membership. Races must be 13.1 miles or greater but LESS than 26.2 miles.
Please list only the races that qualify you for the Half Fanatics. Either 2 Half’s in 16 Days or 3 Half’s in 90 Days. List NAME of RACE and DATE of race. Your credit card will be charged once your races have been verified.
You could be a Double Agent! Marathon Maniac Membership can be found here >>
- Membership cost - $122.00
- Includes Half Fanatic Classic Blue Technical Singlet or Short Sleeve Tee.
- Lifetime Membership at time of joining ($153.00) + membership cost ($122.00)
- Total costs at registration = $275.00 for lifetime & initial membership.
- Yearly dues renewals
- 1 year - $30.00
- 2 years - $55.00
- 3 years - $75.00
- 4 years - $95.00
- 5 years - $115.00
- Lifetime membership - $199.00
- Yearly dues renewals
Half Fanatics reserve the right to refuse membership to any runner that may have violated our clubs Code of Conduct prior to submitting their application.
Membership benefits:
Race Discounts, we offer many race discounts that range from 5% all the way up to $25 off race entry frees. Look for the yellow coin on the race calendar for races that offer discounts!
Online database to record and track your races, states and star count along with many other fun features. (Our programmers are constantly working to add new features for you).
Club Exclusive Events - VIP perks for members in good standing at these races
Bragging rights to your friends!
Add and track your upcoming races to your personal profile.
Monthly Newsletter.
Monthly Eflash.
Member socials at marathons everywhere.
Instant friends at the races (We have the greatest members of any running club around)!
If you have a Hotmail or Yahoo email account, please check your spam / junk folder for our response, as these accounts tend to send our mail to those folders.
*NOTE* Half Fanatic reserve the right to remove any member from the club if they are found to have cheated / cut the course, or misled in anyway to gain access to the club! If you are a cheater, this isn't the running community for you!
Before applying make sure to review our >> Code of Conduct <<
Where do your yearly dues go?
- Operational Costs
- Office / Warehouse rent
- Website / Database costs
- Programmer Fees
- Employee Salary’s
- Ambassador Costs
- Accountant Fees
- Computers / Office Equipment
- Certificates
- Race Discount Team
- New Product Development
- Graphic Designer Fees
- Club Exclusive Events
- Travel Fees
- Expo Fees
Have Questions? |
General Questions | Main Maniac | |
Club Exclusive Events | Headquarters | |
Discounts | Headquarters | |
Newsletter Editor | Kellie | |
Gear | Main Maniac | |
Leveling Up | Review Board | |